Serie de fotos: Olympēa en Casa
Presentando una serie creativa que hice en casa durante Covid-19. Llamé a esta serie Estar en Casa con Olympēa de Paco Rabanne. Estar confinado me motivó a realizar esta serie creativa.
Ahora mismo, como artista, la moda y el lujo me representan. Elegí este perfume porque es lo que significa para mí. Además, me parece que tiene un envase increíble. Por último, me decidí por este producto porque es fascinante y huele a mujer poderosa y segura de sí misma. Es una fragancia que representa la sensualidad o la feminidad de la mujer.
Photo series: Olympēa at Home
Introducing a creative series I did at home during Covid-19. I called this series Stay at Home with Olympēa by Paco Rabanne. Being confined motivated me to shoot this creative series.
Right now as an artist, fashion and luxury represents me. I chose this perfume because that is what it means to me. Also, it seems to me that is has an incredible packaging. Finally, I decided to use this product because it is fascinating and smells like a powerful confident women. It is a fragrance that represents the sensuality or femininity of women.